Thursday, July 21, 2011

Inspiration for Fashion Design

The inspiration for our fashion design was 2 blocks away from our classroom at a construction site. We were attracted to the graffiti and the colors. There was yellow, orange, white, and pink. We loved the rustic, but beautiful feel that it portrayed. The top was inspired by the yellow seen on the wall, and the orange netting. The skirt was inspired by the geometric shapes, and the construction netting. The vest was inspired by the stiffness of the wire seen to the left of this picture, and the splashes of colors seen throughout the site. The white mask was inspired by the graffiti, and the mask with orange was inspired by the netting, and by the orange. Both masks were also inspired by the idea of protection.

More pages in magazine

These are four more pages in our magazine. the bottom one we decided to do as a spread because you get the feeling of a construction site more.

Pages of magazine with our accessories

These six pages are more pictures in our magazines. We showed three pictures with the accessories we made. We have one made out of silver mesh with orange duck tape to outline a face. The second one is made out of white stretch jersey that is shaped to my head with yellow spray paint. The accessories had to be functional, so we brought in the idea of protection, which is why we have masks. We changed ideas for accessories a few times. I learned to never be set on one idea, because things can always go wrong and you can come up with even better ideas if you just let yourself.

Pages in magazine- no accessories

These four pages are in our final magazine. They are taken within a few blocks of our class, and capture the mood of our dress. In the process of our photo shoot, we learned to take a lot of different shots in different locations with a variety of poses because it keeps it interesting.

Back cover of magazine

Here is the back cover of our magazine that we took about two blocks from our class. Our cover picture is taken on the same wall at this location.

Fashion Design Project-Cover

This is the final copy of the magazine that Jenny and I made.

Our assignment was to get inspiration from a location, and design an outfit and accessory from that location. Jenny and I were inspired by a construction site, so we made a top, skirt, vest, and two masks.

 We used a lot of strange materials such as duck tape for the top and part of one of the masks and lining for the vest, orange construction netting for part of the skirt, and metal construction netting for the vest.

After making the outfit and accessory, we had a photo shoot where i modeled the outfit. Then from there, we picked our favorite shots to put into a final magazine.

Sketch of Lotus Flower

In the Hindu religion, the Lotus Flower is very well known and is a sign of eternity and good luck. I sketched a lotus flower in one of my sketchbooks using a standard pencil. I looked at a picture of a flower, and tried to draw it. I tried to make it look like the flower was curving by making the bottom petals smaller, and darker on the bottom. I learned that small details can make the drawing look so different.